首先在头部定义 ...
1.index.js 使用的是微信自带的api,首先在头部定义一个 const recorderManager = wx.getRecorderManager()//获取全局唯一的录音管理器const createInnerAudioContext = wx.createInnerAudioContext()//由于使用的是wx.getRecorderManager录音,所以在播放录音的时候需要使用此api播放录音 // 需要用户同意授权录音 方法 _checkRecordAuth(cbOk, cbError) { wx.getSetting({ success: (res) => { if (!res.authSetting['scope.record']) { wx.authorize({ scope: 'scope.record', success: (res) => { // 用户已经同意小程序使用录音功能,后续调用 wx.startRecord 接口不会弹窗询问 console.log('同意', res); }, fail: res => { console.log('拒绝', res); cbError && cbError(); } }) } else { cbOk && cbOk(); } } }) }, // 长按 _longClickVoicebtn(e) { var that = this; that._checkRecordAuth( () => { //调出取消弹窗 that.setData({ text: '松开 发送', isShowVoice1: true, singleVoiceTimeCount: 0, duration: "00:00", is_clock: true,//长按时应设置为true,为可发送状态 startPoint: e.touches[0],//记录触摸点的坐标信息 }); //开始录音 recorderManager.start(options); recorderManager.onStart(()=>{ let date = new Date(); let s = date.getTime();//注意:使用的是当前的时间戳 - 时长 console.log(s); //记录时长 that.data.timer = setInterval(() => { let voiceTimeCount = (new Date()).getTime() - s voiceTimeCount = voiceTimeCount/1000 that.setData({ duration: formatSecond(voiceTimeCount), singleVoiceTimeCount: voiceTimeCount }) }, 100); }) }, (res) => { //录音失败 console.error('录音拒绝授权'); clearInterval(this.data.timer); this._endRecord(); wx.showModal({ title: '您未授权语音功能', content: '暂时不能使用语音', confirmText: '去设置', success: res => { if (res.confirm) { wx.openSetting({ success: res => { if (res.authSetting['scope.record']) { } } }); } else { } } }); }); },// 移动 如果移动到tabar上面了,就显示 松开手指,取消发送 _sendVoiceMoveEvent(e) { //计算距离,当滑动的垂直距离大于 tabBarHeight 时,则取消发送语音 if (Math.abs(e.touches[0].clientY - this.data.startPoint.clientY) > this.data.tabBarHeight) { this.setData({ is_clock: false,//设置为不发送语音 isShowVoice2: true, isShowVoice1: false, cance: 1, //已取消 }) } else { this.setData({ is_clock: true,//设置为不发送语音 isShowVoice2: false, isShowVoice1: true, cance: 0, //不取消 }); } }, // 松开div 录音结束 _sendVoiceMoveEndEvent(e) { console.log('松开div 录音结束') var that = this clearInterval(this.data.timer); that.setData({ text: '按住 说话', isShowVoice1: false, isShowVoice2: false, singleVoiceTimeCount: 0, duration: "00:00" }); recorderManager.stop()//结束录音 //对停止录音进行监控 recorderManager.onStop((res) => { //此时先判断是否需要发送录音 if (that.data.is_clock == true) { console.log('发送语音') //对录音时长进行判断,少于2s的不进行发送,并做出提示 if (res.duration < 1000) { that.showToast("录音时间太短,请长按录音"); } else { //进行语音发送 const { tempFilePath, duration, fileSize } = res; wx.showLoading({ title: '上传中...', mask: true }) uploadFile(tempFilePath).then(res => { console.log(res); this._sendMessage({ commentContent: res, orgId: that.data.orgId, resId: that.data.childId, commentContentType: "audio", fileSize: fileSize, fileTime: parseInt(duration/1000) }) }) } } }) }, 2.wxml中,给view添加上 |
3、index.js 播放录音
createInnerAudioContext.autoplay = truecreateInnerAudioContext.src = src //src就是传的播放地址