ASP.NET MVC Architecture (tutorialsteacher.com)
让客户满意是我们工作的目标,不断超越客户的期望值来自于我们对这个行业的热爱。我们立志把好的技术通过有效、简单的方式提供给客户,将通过不懈努力成为客户在信息化领域值得信任、有价值的长期合作伙伴,公司提供的服务项目有:域名与空间、虚拟主机、营销软件、网站建设、城固网站维护、网站推广。Model: Model represents the shape of the data. A class in C# is used to describe a model. Model objects store data retrieved from the database.
Model represents the data.
View: View in MVC is a user interface. View display model data to the user and also enables them to modify them. View in ASP.NET MVC is HTML, CSS, and some special syntax (Razor syntax) that makes it easy to communicate with the model and the controller.
Viewis the User Interface.
Controller: The controller handles the user request. Typically, the user uses the view and raises an HTTP request, which will be handled by the controller. The controller processes the request and returns the appropriate view as a response.
Controlleris the request handler.
The following figure illustrates the interaction between Model, View, and Controller.
MVC Architecture
The following figure illustrates the flow of the user's request in ASP.NET MVC.
Request Flow in MVC Architecture
As per the above figure, when a user enters a URL in the browser, it goes to the webserver and routed to a controller. A controller executes related view and models for that request and create the response and sends it back to the browser.