npm install maptalks --save
npm install maptalks.markercluster
import * as maptalks from 'maptalks'
import {ClusterLayer} from 'maptalks.markercluster'
mounted() { let that = this //--0--//地图对象的初始化 this.map = new maptalks.Map('map', { center: [109.1748453547,21.4586700546], //中心点标记红十字,用于开发debug centerCross : false, zoom: 13, minZoom : 10, maxZoom : 18, //缩放级别控件 zoomControl : false, // add zoom control scaleControl : true, // add scale control //鹰眼控件 overviewControl : true, // add overview control //设置瓦片图层的空间参考spatialReference默认就是3857,googlemap的分辨率 spatialReference : { projection : 'EPSG:3857' //与map一样,支持更详细的设置resolutions,fullExtent等 }, baseLayer: new maptalks.TileLayer('base', { // urlTemplate: 'http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', //renderer : 'canvas', // set TileLayer's renderer to canvas //底图服务器地址,如下为瓦片地址 urlTemplate: 'http://xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:xxxx/mapdata/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', //tileSystem 控制瓦片的x,y以及行列,后两个是origin原点位置(很重要) tileSystem : [1, 1, -20037508.3427890,-20037508.3427890], // tile system //subdomains: ['a','b','c'], minZoom : 10, maxZoom : 18 // css filter 滤镜配置 // cssFilter : 'sepia(60%) invert(95%)', // attribution: '© Maptalk for Amap contributors' }), layers : [ new maptalks.VectorLayer('v') ], attribution: {//左下角info content: '©qmap' } }) // 拖动范围限制,黑框控 let extent = new maptalks.Extent(108.8584570000,20.9790840000,110.0569128018,22.1177123207) // var extent = new maptalks.Extent(112.5381688894,26.8876543885,112.5605009244,26.9012691519); // set map's max extent to map's extent at zoom 14 this.map.setMaxExtent(extent) this.map.setZoom(this.map.getZoom(), { animation : false }) this.map.getLayer('v') .addGeometry( new maptalks.Polygon(extent.toArray(), { symbol : { 'polygonOpacity': 0, 'lineWidth': 0 } }) ) // 往地图上添加点位 this.markInfo() }, methods: { setCenter: function(center) { //标注点平移到某个点 let centerV = maptalks1.CRSTransform.transform(center, 'bd09ll', 'gcj02') this.map.animateTo({ zoom: 17, center: centerV }, { duration: 1000 }) }, // 上图 markInfo: function () { let that = this that.map.removeLayer(that.clusterLayer) let markers = [] //--2--//前端聚合查询 // data from realworld.50000.1.js //需要引入maptalks.markercluster.js //数据格式[lon,lat,name] // 如:[[21.8129763667, 109.2714296333, "晓港名城4号楼"],[21.8131727667, 109.2710308833, "晓港名城6号楼"]] for (let i = 0; i < that.addressPoints.length; i++) { let a = that.addressPoints[i] markers.push(new maptalks.Marker(maptalks1.CRSTransform.transform([a.latitude, a.longitude], 'bd09ll', 'gcj02'), { 'properties': { 'name': a.name, 'onSale': a.onSale }, symbol : [ { 'markerFile' : a.onSale ? require('../../../static/img/on.png') : require('../../../static/img/off.png'),//标注点图标 'markerWidth' : 30, 'markerHeight' : 35 },{ 'textName' : '{name}', 'textSize' : 12, 'textDy' : -50, 'textHaloRadius' : 5, 'textHaloFill' : a.onSale ? '#FFB427' : '#B9B9B9', 'textFill' : '#fff' // color } ] } ))//.on('mousedown', onClick)) } let clusterLayer = new ClusterLayer('cluster', markers, { 'noClusterWithOneMarker' : true, 'noClusterWithHowMany': 8,//聚合的最小个数 'maxClusterZoom' : 15, //"count" is an internal variable: marker count in the cluster. 'symbol': { 'markerType' : 'ellipse', 'markerFill' : { property:'count', type:'interval', stops: [[0, 'rgb(135, 196, 240)'], [9, '#1bbc9b'],[50, 'rgb(116, 115, 149)'], [99, 'rgb(216, 115, 149)']]}, 'markerFillOpacity' : 0.7, 'markerLineOpacity' : 1, 'markerLineWidth' : 3, 'markerLineColor' : '#fff', 'markerWidth' : { property:'count', type:'interval', stops: [[0, 40], [9, 60], [50, 70],[99, 80]] }, 'markerHeight' : { property:'count', type:'interval', stops: [[0, 40], [9, 60], [50, 70],[99, 80]] } }, 'drawClusterText': true, 'geometryEvents' : true, 'single': true }) that.map.addLayer(clusterLayer) that.clusterLayer = clusterLayer function onClick(e) { e.target.setInfoWindow({ 'content': '' + e.target.properties.name + '', 'width' : 150, 'dy' : 5, 'autoPan': true, 'custom': false, 'autoOpenOn' : 'click', //set to null if not to open when clicking on marker 'autoCloseOn' : 'click' }) } } }